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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 589   View pdf image (33K)
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trary to the laws of this State, or of the United States

CHAP. 338.

or the provisions of this act.

Power to increase

SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if the, capital stock

capital stock

of said company shall prove insufficient for the purpo-


ses of this act, the president and directors of said


company or a majority of them, may- from time to


time increase the capital stock by the addition of as


many shares as may be necessary, for which they may


at their option, cause subscriptions to be received, or

May sell

may sell the same for the, benefit of the company for


any sum not under their par value.


SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the president and


directors of said company shall be, and they are here-


by invested with all the rights and powers necessary


to the construction and repair of the rail road herein-


before mentioned and described, not exceeding sixty


six feet wide, with as many tracks as they or a ma-


jority of them may deem proper, and they or a ma-


jority of them may cause to be made, or contract with


others for making the whole or any part thereof, and

Powers to use, &c.

they or their engineers, agents, contractors, or their


labourers may enter upon and use and excavate any


land which may he wanted for the site of said road or


for warehouses, depots, wharyes or other works, ne-


cessary to said road, or for the construction, or repair


of said road or any of its works, and may build


bridges, or culverts over any waters, navigable or


otherwise, or over ravines, fix scales and weights,


may lay rails, may take and use any earth, timber,


stone, gravel or other materials, which may be wanted


for the construction or repair of any part of said road,

As to lateral roads

or any of its appurtenances, and may make, or cause


to he made lateral rail roads diverging to such points


on the Chesapeake Bay, or the navigable waters con-


nected therewith, not within the limits of Worcester


county or of the waters emptying in the Delaware bay,


as they shall think proper, and shall have power to


increase their capital stock for the purpose of con-


structing such roads, and in the construction thereof,


or the necessary appurtenant works, shall have and


may exercise all the rights and powers, hereby grant-

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 589   View pdf image (33K)
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