ed by the said County court, at the term after it is re-
CHAP. 328.
Affirmed and re-
turned, and shall then be recorded by the said clerk,
among the land records of said county; but if any such
If set aride. another to be taken in
inquisition be set aside, the said court may in its dis-
cretion as often as may be necessary, direct another to
he taken and returned, which shall be confirmed as
aforesaid; and every such inquisition as to land, shall
ascertain the bounds of the land so valued: and the va-
And be conclusive
luation when confirmed by the court, shall be conclu-
sive against the parties, and shall be paid by the said
To be paid by com.
president and directors to such owner or owners, or
his, her or their legal representatives; and when paid
or tendered, shall entitle the said company to all the
estate or interest of such owner or owners in the pro-
perty so valued; and if the valuation be refused when
tendered, or the party to whom it is due be unknown,
it may afterwards be recovered of said company, with-
out interests or costs.
Power to take pro-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That as soon as a valua-
tion shall have been made by a jury in the manner pre-
scribed in the prccceding section, the said president
and directors or their agents, may immediately enter
upon, take and use the property so valued, and such
Bar to all actions
valuation when confirmed shall be a bar to all actions
by the person or persons against whom such valuation
is made, for so entering upon or using the said proper-
ty after such valuation is made.
Rail Road given
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That the said rail road
in perpetuity
when completed, shall be and the same is vested in
perpetuity in the company hereby incorporated; and
full power and authority is given to said company to
regulate the use thereof, and to exact and receive such
toll or duty for the transportation of property or per-
sons thereon, as in its discretion may seem proper;
Provided, the toll on said rail road or roads shall not
exceed one cent per ton per mile, on all coal, merchan-
dize or other property, transported on said rail road
or roads; nor more than two cents per mile for each
and every passenger so transported on said road or
roads; Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, that
full authority is hereby reserved to the citizens of this
State, and any and every company now or hereafter to