ment, has the right in the course of its rail road, to
CHAP. 327.
construct bridges across navigable streams; and where-
as, it is proper that while such right is declared, a
more enlarged provision should be made for satisfac-
tion of damages arising from the exercise of it, than said
act contemplates: — -Therefore,
Lawful to erect
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the Bal-
timore and Port Depositc Hail Road company, for the
passage of their rail road, to erect pile bridges over
the navigable streams of Bush and Gunpowder rivers,
and other navigable streams, except the Susquehanna
river, in the course of their present or any future loca-
tion of said road; Provided, however, that tiie piles of
said bridges shall be at least ten feet apart transverse-
ly to the streams, and said bridges shall each contain
a draw, twenty-five feet wide, to be kept open at the
proper cost and charge of said company without delay,
whenever it shall be the wish of any one navigating
any vessel, that she shall pass up or down said
streams through said draw; and provided also, that it
shall he the duty of said company to establish said
draws over that portions of said streams, best calcula-
ted to secure the speedy and safe navigation of said
river through said draws.
Commissioners to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That James Pannell,
decide damages
Thomas A. Hays, and Stephen Waters, of Harford
county and William Jenkins and David Ridgely, of
of Baltimore county, shall he and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners with authority to them or a ma-
jority of them, and whose duty it shall be to decide and
declare in writing, what damages, whether they be di-
rect or consequental, and whether the same ho from
impairing or injuring fishries or navigation or from
other causes, the proprietor of any land lying on the
Gunpowder River or Bush Rivet, or any part thereof,
may have actually sustained, or will in the opinion of
said commissioners suffer by reason of the construc-
tion of any bridge which the said company shall have
built, or may hereafter build, a cross either of the
In six months
said Rivers; and that they shall make such decision
and declaration in each case within sixty days next