CHAP. 40.
or other article necessary for the use of the company;
General statements
and at the time of each annual election, and also at the
time of paying each dividend of profits, a general state-
ment of the affairs of the company shall be exhibited
for the inspection of stockholders.
Case of failling to
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the President and
pay instalments
Directors, or a majority of them, shall have full power
after giving at least thirty days notice by advertise-
ment, inserted in at least two newspapers in Balti-
more, to forfeit and dispose of, for the use of the com-
pany, any share or shares of stock, upon which one or
more instalments shall be due and unpaid, unless the
instalment or instalments so due, with interest thereon
from the time when the same shall have been made
payable, shall be paid before the day limited in such
notice, or the owner of such stock may be compelled
by action, to pay all such instalments; Provided al-
ways, that no stockholder shall be liable in his person
or property, for any contract of, or claim against, said
corporation, but that the joint stock, property, credits,
rights and effects of the said company, and nothing
more, shall be liable for the same, and the service of
legal process within this State, on the President or
any of the Directors, shall be a sufficient service on
the aforesaid corporation.
Increase capital
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That if the capital
of the said company shall be deemed insufficient for the
purposes of this act, by the President and Directors
thereof, or a majority of them, then they shall have
power from time to time, to increase the same by dis-
posing of as many additional shares as they, or a ma-
jority of them, may deem necessary, not exceeding
five thousand.
Individual liabili-ties in case of
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if the total amount
exceeding 2-3 of capital
of the debts which the said corporation may at any time
owe, shall exceed the amount of two-thirds of the capital
actually paid in, the Directors, under whose administra-
tion such excess may be created, shall be liable for the
same in their natural and private capacities; and an ac-
tion may in such case be brought against them, or any
of them, or their heirs, executors or administrators, in
any court of record of this State, by any creditor or