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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)
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venant or agreement, to the contrary notwithstanding,


but nothing herein contained shall be construed to ex-

CHAP. 289

empt the sard corporation, or the lands, tenements,


goods, chattels and effects of the same from being also


liable for, and chargeable with, the said excess; and


such of the. said directors who may have been absent


when the said excess was created, or who may have


dissented from the resolution or act whereby the same


was created, may respectively exonerate themselves


from being so liable, by forthwith giving notice of the


fact; and of their absence or dissent, to the governor


of the State, and to the stockholders, at a general meet-


ing which they shall have power to call for that pur-


pose; and provided, nothing herein contained, shall be

Int- on deposite

so construed as to confer the power upon the president


and directors to pay interest upon monies deposited in


said institution.


ART. 8. The president and seven directors shall

Board for business

constitute a board for the transaction of business, but


ordinary discounts may be granted as shall be provi-


ded by the by-laws; and in case of sickness or neces-


sary absence of the president, his place shall be sup-


plied by a director, whom he hy writing under his


hand, shall nominate for the purpose.


ART. 9. But until the sum of six hundred thousand

Commence opera-



dollars in gold and silver coin, shall have been paid to


and be in the possession of the president and directors


of said bank, as part of its capital stock, and the same


shall have been certified to the Treasurer of the Wes-


tern Shore of Maryland, by such persons as he shall


appoint to ascertain and report said facts, it shall not


be lawful for the said president and directors to make


any discounts nor to issue any note of said corpora-


tion; nor shall the president and directors of said bank


make any loans on a pledge of the stock of said bank,


nor in their corporate capacity have the power to hold


any part of the capital stock, thereof, except for the


purpose of securing bad or doubtful debts previously




ART. 10. Half yearly dividends shall be made to


the stockholders of so much of the net profits of the


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)
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