CHAP. 289.
point a president from their own number; and the di-
rectors and president so elected and appointed shall
continue in their respective offices for one year, and
Failure to elect on
until successor's shall be chosen, and in case it should
at any time happen that an appointment of a president
or an election of the directors of the said bank should not
be made so as to take effect at any period or on any day
when in pursuance of this act, the same should take ef-
fect, the corporation shall not for that cause be deemed
to he dissolved, but it shall be lawful at any other time
within thirty days thereafter to make such an election or
appointment in such manner as is provided by this
act or as shall be directed and provided by the ordi-
nances of the corporation; and in case of the death,
resignation, removal out of the State, or other dis-
qualification of the president or of any director of the
said corporation, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall
be filled by the directors for the time being, appoint-
ing a president or electing a director, as the case may
Appoint officers
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors for the time being, shall have power to ap-
point cashiers or treasurers and such other officers and
servants under them, as may be necessary for execut-
ing the business of the said corporation, and to allow
them such compensation for their services respectively
as shall be reasonable.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the President and
Directors, for the time being, may make all such rules,
orders, by-laws and regulations for the government of
the said corporation, its officers and servants, as they,
or a majority of them, from time to time shall think fit,
not inconsistent with law or the provisions of this act,
and may at their pleasure, revise, alter and annul the
Powers as to rules
same; and they may use, employ and dispose of the
to dispose of funds.
funds, money and credit of the said bank, as they or a
majority of them may deem expedient, subject however
to the restrictions and limitations hereinafter men-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the following rules,
restrictions, limitations and provisions shall form and