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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 382   View pdf image (33K)
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said bank may hold, or be in anywise entitled to, at


the time of such suspension of payment, shall be rate-

CHAP. 288

ably distributed to, and amongst all the persons who


shall be its creditors at such time, and to their assigns




SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That whenever required

Commissioner of

by law, the said bank shall do and perform the seve-


ral, respective and appropriate duties of commission-


ers of loans for this State, without charging or claim-


ing any allowance whatsoever for the same.


SEC. 16.And be it enacted. That at any time here-

Power as to bank

after, the notes or issues of this corporation, common-


ly called and known as bank notes, may be restricted


by the legislature, to a denomination not less than that


of the notes or issues of any other incorporated bank


within this State, the lowest denomination of whose


notes or issues, shall be above five dollars.




An act for the benefit of the Infant Children of Wil

Passed April 4, 1836

liam Riley, late of Kent County deceased.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,


That Edward Nicholson, administrator of William


Riley, late of Kent county deceased, be, and he is


hereby authorised and empowered to apply the rents


and income, arising from the real estate of said de-


ceased, except the widows thirds, to the payment of


the debts of said deceased, in the same manner as if


they were personal estate; and that he account to the


Orphan's Court of Kent county, for the due adminis-


tration thereof; Provided always, that this act shall


not be so construed as to deprive any creditor of said


deceased of any right or remedy which he may now


have under existing laws; And provided also, that the


said administrator shall first obtain the assent of the


Orphan's Court of Kent county, who shall pass all


debts when they so shall have been paid.


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 382   View pdf image (33K)
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