derick Presbyterian Church, and by the same name,
CHAP. 282
shall have perpetual succession, and he able to sue and
be sued, plead and be impleaded in any courts of law
or equity, in this State or elsewhere, and to make and
have a common seal, and the same to break, alter or
renew at their pleasure; and also to ordain and esta-
blish such by-laws and ordinances, as shall be necessa-
ry and proper for regulating the temporal concerns of
said church, and for promoting religion in it; Provid-
ed, they be not repugnant to this act, nor to the laws
of this State.
Time of service
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said nine trus-
tees shall be elected from among the Frederick Pres-
byterian Congregation at their first meeting: and at
the end of the first year after said election, three of
the said nine trustees shall go out of office at the, end
of the second year, three of the remaining six of the
original nine, shall go out of office, and at the end of
the third year, the remaining three of the original nine,
shall go out of office: the vacancies thus annually oc-
curring, shall be annually supplied by the election of
the same or other persons from among the said congre-
gation, and by like rotation and election, one third of
the trustees shall go out of office, and their places be
supplied annually for ever, so that no person shall be
trustee for more than three years without re-election.
unless the election from any cause, should not occur
at the appointed times, in which case, the trustees
whose term has expired shall continue in office until
new members are elected to fill their places: all vacan-
cies in the board of trustees, caused by death, resigna-
tion, refusal to act, or by expulsion from the commu-
nion of said church, shall be, supplied by the remain-
ing trustees, or a majority of them, at some subsequent
meeting electing some member or members of said con-
gregation to fill them.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trustees,
or a majority of them, shall at their first meeting, and
at the end of every year thereafter, elect one of their
members president of their board, and in case of his
death, resignation, refusal to act, or expulsion from
the communion of said church, shall elect another at