CHAP. ,281.
Passed April 1,1836
A suplement. to an act, entitled, an act for the regulation
and improvement of the Village of Venton, in Caro-
line County, und for other purposes.
Acts of commis-sioners
Be it enacted by the General Assembhj of Maryland,
That if at any time the commissioners elected in confor-
mity with the above mentioned act, may have omitted
to perform any duty imposed on them by the said act,
on the day or at the period prescribed therein for the
performance of any such duty, hut nevertheless may
have done the same on some other day or days, and in
all other respects conformably to law, every such act
or doing shall be and is hereby made and declared to
be as valid and effectual as if it had been done at the
time specified and fixed for their doing the same in the
said law, any thing therein contained to the contrary
Stated day imma-
notwithstanding; And it is hereby further enacted, that
it shall be lawful, if at any time hereafter, the com-
missioners elected under said act shall omit or deem it
inexpedient to perform any duty directed in the said
act to be done by them on any stated day, it may and
shall be lawful for the said commissioners to do or per-
form such duty, at any time within twenty days after,
or next ensuing such stated day or period.
Passed April 1,1836
An act relating to Drovers, driving Cattle and Sheep,
in and through Caroline County.
WHEREAS, much trouble and loss has been experi-
enced by different individuals, citizens of Caroline
county, for the want of a law to compel drovers, driv-
ing cattle and sheep in and through said county, to
have said cattle and sheep marked so as to enable any
individual upon examining said drove, to take from
said drove any unmarked cattle or sheep that they
may discover in said drove: — Therefore,
Drover to mark
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of July