CHAP. 279.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or per-
sons having possession of any hill of sale, mortgage or
other instruments of writing, relating to personal pro-
perty, that appears to have been heretofore recorded
in Worcester county and the record thereof has been
destroyed, may have the same enrolled again, and the
clerk of Worcester county court is hereby required to
record the same together with the endorsement thereon,
of the former enrollment, in the record book aforesaid,
at the cost and expense of the party or parties requir-
ing the same, and the same when so recorded shall
have the same effect and operation in law to all intents
and purposes, as if the records aforesaid, in which the
said papers were heretofore recorded, had never been
Of personal prop-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That any person or persons
claiming any right to any personal property, by virtue
of any instrument of writing, which had been recorded
in the county aforesaid, and which with the records
Take testimony before justices
thereof has been destroyed shall and may, upon appli-
cation to any two justices of the peace, of the State of
Maryland, in and for Worcester county aforesaid, pro-
ceed to take testimony as the nature of the case will
admit of, to establish the existence and validity of any
instrument of writing so as aforesaid recorded and de-
stroyed, and the right of property therein mentioned,
and the said justices, before they proceed to take tes-
timony in the cases, shall give at least twenty days
notice by advertisement, inserted once a week for three
successive weeks in a newspaper published in Worces-
ter county aforesaid, and also to be set up at the court
house door of the county aforesaid, of the time and
place of their intention to take the testimony on the
application aforesaid, and shall also give notice to any
person or persons that may appear to be interested in
Justice to return
the issue of the subject matter before them, and the
said justices shall make return of their proceedings to
Clerk to record
the clerk of Worcester county court, who shall record
the same in the record book aforesaid, at the expense
and cost of the party requiring the same, and the same
when so recorded shall be binding and have the same