cuting the business of the said corporation, and to al-
CHAP. 251
low them such compensation for their services respec-
tively, as shall be reasonable.
Power of the presi-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the President and
dent and directors
Directors, for the time being, may make all such rules,
orders, by-laws and regulations for the government of
the said corporation, its officers and servants, as they
or a majority of them, from time to time, shall think
fit, not inconsistent with law or the provisions of this
act, and may at their pleasure, revise, alter and annul
the same, and they may use, employ and dispose of the
funds, money and credit of the said hank, as they or a
majority of them, may deem expedient, subject however
to the restrictions and limitations hereinafter men-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the following rules,
restrictions, limitations and provisions shall form and
be fundamental articles of the constitution of said
corporation, — viz:
Votes rated
ARTICLE 1. The number of votes to which each
stockholder shall be entitled, shall be according to
the number of shares he shall hold, in the proportions
following, that is to say: — For one share and not more
than two shares, one vote each; For every two scares
above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; For every
four shares above ten, and not exceeding thirty, one
vote; For every six shares above thirty, and not ex-
ceeding sixty, one vote; For every eight shares above
sixty, and not exceeding one hundred, one vote; And
for every ten shares above that number, one vote; but
no person or body politic shall be entitled to a greater
number than sixty votes, and that no share or shares.
shall confer a right of suffrage which shall not have
been holden four calender months previous to. the day
of election; and that stockholders actually resident
within the United States, and none other, may vote at
elections by proxy or in general meetings.
ARTICLE 2. None but a stockholder shall be eligi-
ble as a Director, and once in each year the Directors
shall lay before the stockholders at a general meeting,
for their information, an exact and particular state-
ment of the debts which shall have remained unpaid