CHAP. 222.
may designate, to elect a board of directors, to serve
until the first Monday of the next succeeding July, op
until successors shall be chosen.
Election of direc-rectors
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for managing the
affairs of the said company, there shall be chosen at
the first general meeting herein before provided for,
and on the first Monday in July annually thereafter,
at the general meetings of the company, not less than
five nor more than seven directors, who shall be stock-
holders of the company, and who shall remain in office
one year, or until their successors are appointed; the
said directors, the majority of whom shall form a quo-
rum for the transaction of business, shall choose from
their own body, a president, and in his absence, a presi-
Powers specified
dent, pro tempore; they shall have power to supply va-
cancies in their own body; to call special meetings of the
stockholders; to appoint such officers, clerks and agents,
as the stockholders in general meeting shall authorise;
to take bonds with sufficient security, for the good con-
duct, fidelity and attention of such officers, clerks and a
Instalments, &c.
agents; to call in instalments not exceeding ten dollars a
share per month,by giving thirty days previons notice in
such newspapers as the stockholders in general meeting
may designate; to enter into contracts for the construc-
tion of buildings, et cetra, and to do all other acts and
things touching the affairs of the company, not otherwise
specially provided for; and the said president and direc-
tors shall call, upon application of one-fifth in interest
of the stockholders of the company, general meetings;
they shall moreover make and declare dividends of the
nett profits of the said company, or of such portion
thereof as the said company or the said president and
directors may deem expedient, on the first day of Ja-
nuary and July, in each year, and at such other times
as may be determined by the stockholders in general
meeting; Provided, that no dividend shall be made, of
any part of the capital stock, under pretence of making
a dividend of the profits and the surplus only of the
property, effects and separate debts due the company
above the capital stock, responsibilities and debts due
from it, shall be regarded as profits, and the said pre-
sident and directors shall annually at the general meet-