CHAP. 87.
thereafter, until said Index shall be made and paid for, re-
port to the said commissioners, and to the mayor and city
council of Baltimore respectively, an estimate of the pro-
bable amount of expense aforesaid, for the thence ensuing
year, which amount said commissioners and the mayor and
city council of Baltimore, in the proportions to be borne by
the city and county as aforesaid, respectively, shall be le-
vied by said commissioners and the mayor and city council
of Baltimore respectively, as aforesaid; and the said clerk,
out of the monies so to be levied, shall be paid quarterly,
the amount that shall become due to him on account of the
making of said Index; the voucher of which dues, shall
be the certificate of the said chief judge, and his direction
for payment of the same.
Duty of Clerk in
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
said clerk of Baltimore county court, for the time being,
henceforth, to keep up promptly and regularly as convey-
ances or writings of or relating to land, shall by said clerk
be received to be recorded, a general Alphabetical Index,
in terms and form as the Index hereinbefore referred to, the
records of all such conveyances or writings as shall hence-
forth be so received to be recorded as aforesaid; and that
each book of said Index, shall embrace the period of at
least ten years for every or any letter to which such book
may be appropriated; and that for his services in keeping
such record, the said clerk shall be entitled to have the sum
of ten cents for each of such conveyances or writings re-
corded by him, in addition to the amount now chargeable
for recording such conveyance or writing.
Passed Jan. 26, 1832
A farther supplement to the act, entitled, An act to Incorpo-
rate the Baltimore and Pittston Coal Company.
Authority to sell,
exchange, transfer
lands &c.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Baltimore Coal Company, be and hereby
is authorised, from time to time, to sell, exchange or other-
wise dispose of, and accordingly convey or cause to be
conveyed, all or any parts of the lands and real property
and estate now vested in, or owned by said corporation; or
that may hereafter, from time to time, be so vested or own-
ed, or wherein or whereof, under any trust or otherwise,
the said corporation now has or hereafter may have any use
or beneficial interest whatsoever: Provided, That the said