CHAP. 85.
yond the actual expenses for preserving and repairing the
part of said road within the limits of this state, and paying
the said superintendent and toll gatherers, and all incidental
expenses; the said superintendent shall remit the same to
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, whose duty it shall
be to receive the same, to be denominated on the treasury
books, "The United States Road Fund," which money,
Application there-
constituting said fund, shall be applied solely and exclusive-
ly to the preservation, repair and improvement of that part
of said road, within the limits of this state, and to no other
use or purpose whatsoever.
Conditions pre-
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That this act shall not have
any force or effect, until the Congress of the United States
shall assent to the same; and until so much of the said road
as lies within the limits of the state of Maryland, be first
put in a good and complete state of repair, by an appropri-
ation made by the Congress of the United States to repair
the same; and to pay the expenses of building a toll house
or toll houses, and erecting a toll gate or toll gates, to be
built and erected by the superintendent appointed by the
Governor and Council of this state; to be expended under
the authority of a superintendent, to be appointed by the
President of the United States: Provided, the General As-
sembly of this state may at any future session thereof,
change, alter or amend this act, so as to regulate the amount
of tolls; Provided, That the same shall not be so altered
or amended as to reduce or increase the rates of tolls hereby
established, below or above a sum necessary to defray the
expenses incident to the preservation and repair of said
road, for the payment of the fees and compensation to the
superintendent, collectors of tolls and other agents: And
provided, That no change, alteration, or amendment shall
ever be adopted, that will in anywise defeat or effect the
true intent and meaning of this act
Case of death of
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That in case any superintend-
ent who shall be appointed under this act, shall die, resign,
refuse to act or remove from Allegany county aforesaid,
the governor and council of this state, shall appoint another in
his place, who shall, at the time of his appointment, and
during his continuance in office, reside in Allegany county;
and who shall hold his office for three years from the date
of his commission; and after the expiration of any time of
service of any superintendent who may be appointed under
this act, the governor and council of this state, shall re-
appoint him or appoint another in his place, at discretion:
Provided, That he shall not serve for a longer time than
three years, from the date of his commission,