CHAP. 85.
dent shall have authority to remove any toll gatherer ap-
pointed by him for misbehaviour in his office, and appoint
another in his place — and it shall be the duty of the said
superintendent, to render semi-annually to the county court
of Allegany county, at its fixed meetings by law on the
third Monday of April and second Monday of October, an
Superintendent to
account of the tolls received, and expenses incurred on said
road, on oath or affirmation, which account, when ratified
and confirmed by the said court, shall be published by the
said superintendent, in some newspaper printed in Allegany
county; and the said superintendent shall also, on or before
the first Monday of December annually hereafter, transmit
Report toexecu-
to the governor and council of this sfate, a duplicate of his
said accounts aforesad; and it shall be the duty of the go-
vernor of this state, to lay the same before the General
To Legislature.
Assembly in his annual message. And the said superin-
tendent shall receive a compensation of two dollars per day
for every day that he shall be engaged on the business of
the said road: Provided, that the annual compensation to
said superintendent shall not exceed the sum of five hundred
Application of
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the amount of tolls,
after deducting therefrom the expenses and charges of col-
lection, and compensation of superintendent, shall be ap-
plied, under the direction of said superintendent to the re-
pairs and preservation of said road, in such manner and
under such regulations as he, from time to time may pre-
scribe and direct, and to no other purpose whatsoever.
Directions for pas-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That directors shall be set up at
proper and convenient situations to caution all conductors
and drivers of carriages on the road aforesaid, that they
shall at all times pass on the left of each other, under the
penalty of two dollars for every offence.
Penalty for toll-
gatherers delaying
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if any of the toll gath-
erers shall unreasonably delay, or hinder any passenger or
traveller, at any of the gates, or shall demand or receive
more toll than may be established by this act, he shall for
each and every offence forfeit and pay to the party so ag-
grieved, the sum of twenty dollars.
Penalty for injur-
ing the road.
Sec. 7, And be it enacted, That if any person or'persons
shall wilfully and of purpose, throw down or otherwise in-
jure any of the walls, bridges, culverts or other works oa
said road, or shall otherwise wilfully injure or obstruct the
passage of said road unnecessarily, the person or persons
so offending, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence,
any sum not less than five or more than fifty dollars, to be
collected and applied as is directed in the ninth section of
this act.