ten days before the return day of the writ, and if it shall
appear by the return of such sheriff or coroner on such
writ, that such copies have been delivered or served as
aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the court, and they are
required at the first term, upon motion on behalf of the
state, to compel such defendant or defendants to proceed
to trial the same term, and if such defendant or defendants
shall neglect or refuse to appear or plead forthwith, to en-
ter judgment in the name of the state against such defen-
dant or defendants for the debt claimed, with interest and
costs, and if the suit be on bond to enter judgment in the
name of the state, against such defendant or defendants for
the penalty, to be released by the payment of such sum as
shall have been stated and signed by the Treasurer, with
interest thereon till paid, and costs and execution shall
thereupon issue as on other judgments obtained in such
courts, unless sufficient legal cause be shewn why there
should be a continuance to the next term.
CHAP. 69,
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That hereafter no payment of
any money or debt due the state either in suit or on judg-
ment shall be valid and effectual, unless made to the Trea-
surer, or to such person as shall have been specially ap-
pointed and authorised by him to receive the same, or un-
less made to such sheriff, coroner or elisor, as may or shall
be authorised to receive the same by virtue of any execu-
tion or other judicial process issued on such judgment to
enforce the recovery or payment thereof, any law, usage or
custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Payments valid
only when made to
treasurer &c.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all cases in the Court of
Appeals, in which the state is or may be a party or interest-
ed, shall in preference to other causes, be heard, tried and
determined at the first term to which the record shall have
been transmitted, unless legal cause of continuance shall
appear or be shewn.
Trials of appeals—
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to allow Adam Robb,
executor of Upton Beall, late clerk of Montgomery
county court, father time to complete certain Records,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty
eight, chapter two.
Passed Feb. 6, 1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland;
That the time allowed to Adam Robb, executor of Upton
Time extended.