tracts with any person or persons, competent to build said
bridge; and are required to take bond or bonds, with suffi-
cient security from any contractor or contractors, for the
faithful performance of the contracts for building said bridge.
CHAP. 66.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That when said bridge is built
it shall be a free bridge.
Free Bridge.
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the benefit of the
Children of Robert I. Henry, late of Worcester county, de-
Passed Feb. 6, 1832
WHEREAS, by the original act, to which this is a supple,
ment, a certain James Pitts, guardian, John P. M. Henry,
and Zadock P. Henry, of Worcester county, were thereby
authorised and empowered, subject to the direction and
approbation of the orphans' court of Worcester county, to
contract with a certain Thomas M. Williams, and Mary,
his wife, in all that real estate lying and being in Worces-
ter county, in which Lawra Ann Marshall, wife of John E.
H. Marshall, Edward Henry, Robert I Henry, and Adeliza
R. Henry, have the remainder in fee simple, &c. And where-
as, the said James Pitts, guardian; John P. M. Henry, and
Zadock P. Henry, were further authorised and empowered
to do and perform certain other matters and things, all which
will more fully appear by reference to the original act, to
which this is a supplement; And whereas, the said James
Pitts did resign the guardianship of the said children of the
aforesaid Robert I. Henry, of Worcester county, deceased,
before the provisions of the said act could be complied
with; And whereas, John E. H. Marshall, has been appoint-
ed by the orphans' court of Worcester county, guardian to
the children as aforesaid — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John E. H. Marshall, John P. M. Henry, and Zadock P.
Henry, are hereby authorised and empowered to carry into
full effect and operation, all and singular, the provisions of
the original act, to which this is a supplement, as fully and
to all intents and purposes as James Pitts, guardian, John
P. M. Henry, and Zadock P. Henry, might or could have
done, under the authority and provisions of the original act,
to which this is a supplement
Power granted.