CHAP. 323.
they shall be considered as unlawful and tumultuous meet-
Such meetings
ings, and it shall be the duty of the nearest constable, or
deemed unlawful
any other civil officer knowing of such meetings, either
from his own knowledge or the information of others, to
repair to such meeting, and disperse the said negroes or
Duty of constables
&c to disperse
slaves, and if any such constable shall fail to comply with
the provisions of this act, he shall be subject to a fine of
Incur penalty for
not less than five nor more than twenty dollars, at the dis-
cretion of a justice of the peace of the county in which he
resides, whose duty it shall be to impose the fine, on infor-
Magistrates duty
to inflict the penal
mation being given of such neglect; and return the proceed-
Return proceed-
ings and judgment on the same to the clerk of the county,
who shall enter it upon the pioper docket to be collected
and applied as other fines and forfeitures now are; Provided,
That this act shall not interfere with any right of an owner
or employer of any slave or slaves, to allow his own ser-
vants or those employed by him or her, to have prayers or
other religious service upon his own land; And provided
also, That nothing contained in this act shall be constiued
Further exception
— Baltimore and
to prevent the assemblage, within the limits of Baltimore
city and Annapolis city, of such slaves, or free negroes and
mulattoes for the purpose of religious worship, if said meet-
ings are held in compliance with the written permission of a
white licensed ordained preacher, and dismissed before ten
o'clock at night.
Free negroes
Sec 8. And be it enacted, That all free negroes or mu-
found associating
in such unlawful
lattoes who shall be found associating, or in any company
meetings, liable to
with slaves, at any unlawful or tumultuous meeting, either
be punished as
as slaves
by day or mght, or who shall in connection with any slave
or slaves, as principal or accessary, be guilty of, and con-
victed of, any offence for which slaves are now punishable,
before a justice of the peace, such free negro or mulatto
shall be subject to the same punishment, and be liable in
every respect to the same treatment and penalty as slaves
thus offending.
Purchasing from
negroes forbid
Sec. 9. And be it enacted. That it shall not be lawful for
any person or persons to purchase of any free negro or mu-
Articles mention-
latto, or from any slave or slaves, any bacon, pork, beef,
mutton, corn wheat, tobacco, rye, or oats, unless such free
negro or mulatto shall, at the time of such sale, produce a
Without certifi-
certificate from a justice of the peace, or three respectable
persons residing in the neighborhood of said negro, of the
county in which such negro resides, that he or they have
reason to believe and does believe, that such free negro or
mulatto came honestly and bona fide into possession of any
such article so ottered for sale, or unless such slave shall
produce a written authonty from his or her owner, employ-