CHAP. 323.
nothing herein contained shall be construed to alter or an-
nul any of the acts now in force, in relation to the rights of
non-residents to remove to or from, or employ their slaves
upon their islands in the Potomac river; and any person or
Any Slave so
persons offending,shall forfeit for every such offence, any ne-
brought is forfeited
gro, mulatto, or other slave, brought into this State contrary
and entitled to
to this act; and such negro, mulatto, or other slave, shall be
On condition of
entitled to freedom, upon condition that he consent to be
leaving the state.
sent to Liberia, or to leave the State forthwith; otherwise
such negro, or mulatto, or other slave, shall be seized and
Must be commit-
ted &c.
taken and confined in jail by the sheriff of the county, where
the offence is committed; which sheriff shall receive ten dol-
lars for every negro, mulatto, or other slave so brought into
this State, and forfeited as aforesaid, and seized and taken
by him, to be recovered in an action of debt, in his own
name, before any justice of the peace, as small debts are re-
covered from the person or persons so offending; moreover,
Compensation to
said sheriff shall receive five dollars for such negro, mulatto,
or other slave, actually confined by him in jail, and the usual
prison fees now allowed by law; and any person or persons
Further penalty
so offending under this act, shall be punished by indictment
for the offence.
in the county court of the county where the offence shall bo
committed, and upon conviction thereof, the said court shall,
by its order, direct said sheriff to sell any negro, mulatto,
or other slaves so seized and taken by him under this act,
Negro to be sold
for five dollars.
to the colonization society, for said five dollars, and the
prison fees of any negro, mulatto, or other slave, to be taken
to Liberia; and if the said colonization society will not re-
ceive such negroes, mulattoes, or other slaves, for said five
dollars each, and the prison fees of each, upon refusing, said
sheriff shall, after three weeks public notice, given by public
advertisements, sell any such negro, mulatto, or other slave,
to some person or persons, with a condition that any such
negro, mulatto, or other slave, shall be removed and taken
Or sold out of the
forthwith beyond the limits of this State, to settle and re-
side; and said sheriff shall report any sale or sales made by
Report of sales
him to the county court of the county in which he reticles,
and after deducting five dollars and prison fees for each and
every negro, mulatto, or other slave, sold as aforesaid, which
Disposition of pro-
shall be settled by an account current, to be settled in said
court, said sheriff shall pay over the balance of said sales to
the treasurer of the shore where he may reside; Provided,
That this act shall not be so construed as to prevent any
Exception in favor
of border land
holders &c.
person or persons residing in this or any adjoining State,
and who hold in their own right or in right of any other
persons, lands in both States within ten miles of each other,
from removing their slaves to and from said lands, solely for