sale, for such time as may be necessary to cover the afore-
CHAP. 323.
said penalty, first giving ten days previous notice of such
Committed and
sale and the said sheriff after deducting prison charges and
said for for time.
a commission of ten per centum, shall pay over one half oi
the nett proceeds to the informer, and the balance he shall
Disposition of
pay over to the levy court or commissioners, as the case
may be, for the use of the county.
Sect. 2, And be it enacted, That no person in this state.
Hiring or employ-
shall hereafter hire, employ or harbor any free negro or mu-
ing any forbid
latto who shall immigrate or settle in this state, after the first
day of June next, or any free negro or mulatto who shall
come into this state, from any other state, district or terri-
tory, and continue in this state for the space of ten succes-
sive days as above, under the penalty of twenty dollars for
Penalty of $20 for
every day after the expiration of four days, any such free
every day.
negro or mulatto so immigrating and settling in this state, or
so coming into, and so staying in this state shall be so em-
ployed, hired or harbored, and all fines accrued under this
act, may, before any justice of the peace of the county in
which the offence is committed, be recovered by action of
debt, each party to have the benefit of appeal to the county
Appeal provided
court, and one half thereof to be applied to the informer,
and the other half to the use of the county; and if any negro
or mulatto shall remove from this state, and remain without
Negroes removing
the limits thereof for a space longer than tinny consecutive
and remaining out
of the state 30
days, unless before leaving the state he deposits with the
days regarded at
clerk of the county in which he resides, a written statement
of his object in doing so, and his intention of returning again,
or unless he shall have been detained by sickness or coer-
cion, of which he shall bring a certificate, he shall be re-
garded as a resident of another state, and be subject, if ho
return, to the penalties imposed by the foregoing provisions
upon free negroes and mulattoes of another state, migrating
to this: Provided, that nothing contained in this act shall pre-
vent any free negro or mulatto from visiting Liberia and re-
turning to the state whenever he may choose to do so.
Sec. 3. And be, it enacted, That nothing in the two pre-
Those engaged in
ceding sections hereof, shall be construed to extend to any
navigation — wagon-
ners and travelling
free negro or mulatto that may be engaged in navigating any
servants &c excep-
ship, vessel or boat under a white commander, or any wag-
oner or hired servant travelling with his master or employer,
or such as may lawfully come into this state, and be detain-
ed by sickness or other casualty.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful from
Prohibition against
and after the first day of June next, to import or bring into
bringing slaves
into this state.
this State, by land or water, any negro, mulatto, or other
slave, for sale, or to reside within this State; Provided, That