Sec 2. And be it enacted, That the execution may on an
CHAP. 322.
plication of any party to the court, rendering such judge-
Execution not-
ment or decree, be issued by such court for enforcing the
withstanding may
payment or satisfaction thereof, notwithstanding the attach-
ment aforesaid; Provided, That the monies payable under
said judgment or decree, be in the writ of execution afore-
said, required to be brought into the court aforesaid, to be
by such court preserved and deposited or invested in stocks,
Money to be
brought into courth into court
as it may direct, to abide the event of such proceeding of
await decision.
attachment aforesaid.
Sec. 3. And be, it enacted, That in all cases of such at-
Plaintiffs liable
tachment, the garnishee shall not be liable for any cobts,
to costs.
but the costs which would be chargeable to him, shall be
charged to and paid by the plaintiff or plaintiffs in such at-
Sec. 4.And be it enacted, That the provisions of the se-
Sec. 7. of original
venth section of the act, to which this is a supplement, be
set, extended.
and the same are hereby declared to extend to cases where
the defendant or defendants shall be residents of this state,
at the time of issuing the attachment in said section provid-
ed for, or at any time afterwards.
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act to reduce into one,
Passed Mar 14,1832
the several acts of assembly respecting Elections, and to
regulate such Elections.
WHEREAS, no appointment of representatives among the
states has been made under the last census, and the num-
ber of electors of president and vice president of the
United States, to which Maryland may be entitled remains
unsettled; And whereas, the ratio of representation most
likely to be adopted will give to Maryland ten electors —
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
In certain event.
land, That for the purpose of choosing electors of presi-
dent and vice president at the ensuing election, in the event
of this state on the new appointment being entitled to but
ten electors, the state shall be divided into four districts in
FOUL districts.
manner following, viz: — Saint Mary's, Charles, Calvert,
Anne Arundel, Prince George's, Montgomery, Frederick,
Washington, and Allegany counties, with the city of Anna-
polis, shall constitute the first district, and elect from among
First district,
the persons resident in said district four electors; the city of