CHAP. 320
Passed Mar.14,1832
An act f or the relief of Jane Freeman, of the city of An-
Divorce graritt d.
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Jane Freeman, of the city of Annapolis, be
and she is hereby divorced from her board and mutual co-
habitation with her husband William L. Freeman.
Claims annulled.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said William L. Free-
man, shall not by virtue of his marriage With the said Jane
Freeman, be in any manner entitled to, and that the said
William L. Freeman shall riot be authorised to have or
claim any right, title or interest in the estate, real, personal
or mixed, of the said Jane Freeman whether acquired by
the said Jane Freeman, prior to, or to be acquired by her
after the passage of this act, nor shall the said Jane Free-
man, be in any manner entitled to have or claim any right,
title or interest in the estate, real, personal or mixed, of the
said William L. Freeman,whether acquired by the said Wil-
liam L. Freeman, prior to. or to be acquired by him after
the passage of this act.
Feme sole.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Jane Freeman,
shall have and exercise all the rights, privileges and immu-
nities, and be subject to all the legal responsibilities of a
feme sole, in the same manner she would have been if she
never had been married: Provided, neither of the parties
shall be permitted to marry during the life of the other.
Liabilities annul
Sec. 4 And, be it enacted, That the said William L. Free-
man shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter con-
tracted by the said Jane Freeman.
Passed Mar. 14, 1832
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act directing
the manner of suing out Attachments in this Province, and
limiting the extent of them.
Attachments may
be laid upon debts
judgments or de-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall and may be lawful for any plaintiff in
attachment, to have the same laid upon debts due the de-
fendant upon judgments or decrees, rendered or passed by
any of the courts of law or equity of this state, and to have
judgment of condemnation thereof, as upon any other debts
due said defendant