CHAP. 315.
hands, and aay person conceiving him or herself interested
in such estate, or in the proceeds or sales thereof, shall be
entitled to, and hare on demand a copy of such bond, and a
certificate from the register, under his hand and the seal of
his office, upon which copy and certificate an action may
be maintained in the name of the state, for the use of the
Sort thereon au-
party interested, and judgment may be recovered upon
such action for the damage actually sustained.
Case of apprehen-
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That if any executor or ad-
ded concealment
ministrator shall believe that any person hath concealed any
part of the personal property of a deceased person, upon
whose estate such executor or admmistrator may have ob-
Executor or
administrator may
tained letters testamentary, or of administration, and shall
file petition.
file a petition or bill of complaint in the orphans court of
the county, in which he may have received letters alledging
such concealment, it shall be the duty of such court to com-
pel the person against whom such allegation shall be made,
Orphans court
authorised to com-
to answer such petition or bill of complaint, in writing, un-
pel answer
der oath, and may attach and commit the party, in case he
or she shall refuse so to answer, and in case the said coui t
shall believe, upon an examination of the whole case, that
Commit for refusal
the party against whom such allegation shall be made, hath
concealed any part of the personal estate of the deceased,
the said court may order the delivery over of the same to
such executor or administrator, and may compel such de-
Compel delivery
livery over by attachment, sequestration of property, and
the imprisonment of the party, if the said court shall think
proper, Provided, That in case either party, after a perfect
answer put in, shall require it, the court shall direct an issue
or issues to be made up, and sent to any court of law which
Appeal provided.
may be most convenient under all circumstances for trying
the same, and the said issue or issues shall be tried in the
said court of law in the same manner, and there shall be the
same proceedings had thereupon as is prescribed by the
act of seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, chapter one hun-
dred and one, in relation to other issue or issues sent from
the orphans court.
Case of alleged
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the provisions of the
concealment by
the executor or
aforegoing twelfth section of this act, be, and they are here-
by extended to all cases where any creditor, or the widow,
or any next of kin, legatee, or devisee of the testator or
intestate, or where any other person interested in the es-
tate of the testator or intestate, shall, by petition or bill of
complaint as aforesaid, alledge that the executor or execu-
tors, or any of them, or administrator, or administrators, or
any of them, has concealed, or has in his or their hands,
and has omitted to return in and as part of the inventory of