section of the same act rendered totally useless to the pro-
CHAP. 311.
prietors thereof— Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Law repealed as to
the sixth section of the said act, entitled An act relating to
the city of Baltimore, shall be, and the same is hereby re-
pealed as far as the same relates to, or affects that part of
Liberty street, which is between Saratoga street and Mul-
berry street, as located on the plat of the city of Baltimore,
made under the direction of the commissioners named in
the said act, but which has not been heretofore opened as a
street; Provided, That nothing contained in this act shall
take effect unless approved by the Mayor and City Coun-
Ratification re-
cil of Baltimore.
An act to define and enlarge the powers of Courts of Equity.
Passed Mar.14.1832
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Case where per-
sons are concur-
land. That from and after the passage of this act, where
rently possessed of
two or more persons (whethei all or any of them be infants,
terms of leasehold
and require a par-
or of full age, or residents, or non residents of this state)
shall be jointly or in common or otherwise concurrently pos-
sessed of any term of years or leasehold interest of, or in
any lands or tenements, and any of the persons so possess-
ed, shall desire to have partition made of said lands and tene-
ments, for and in respect of the enjoyment of such term of
years or leasehold interest, it shall and may be lawful for
such person or persons to exhibit his or their bill in the
court of chancery, or on the equity side of the county
May file a bill in
court, praying such partition either by specific division and
allotment or through a sale of said term of 3 ears or lease-
hold interest, and if upon the bill and answers and evidence
taken in the cause, or upon return of a commission ordered
by the court for surveying and ascertaining the premises, it
shall appear to the court that a sale as aforesaid, will be
most equitable or beneficial for all concerned, said court
may decree a sale accordingly, which shall be made and
Court empowered
to decree-a sales
conducted in course and manner and on the terms and con-
ditions usual in cases of sales of land under decrees in
chancery, and if n shall appear as aforesaid to the court,
that there ought to be a specific division and allotment of
the said lands or tenements for, and in respect of said term
of years or leasehold interest, such division and allotment
may accordingly be decreed, and shall be made and con-