CHAP. 307.
to revise, alter, and annul; and may use, employ, and dis-
pose of the fnnds, money and credit of the said bank, as
they, or a majority of them, may deem expedient; subject,
however, to the restrictions and limitations hereinafter men-
tioned; and the books, papers, correspondence, and funds of
the corporation, shall, at all times, be subject to the inspec-
tion of the boaid of directors.
Rules and regula-
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the following rules, re-
strictions, limitations, and provisions, shall form, and be the
fundamental articles of the constitution of the said corpo-
ration to wit.
Votes regulated
1st. The number of votes to which each stockholder
shall be entitled, shall be according to the number of shares,
he or she, shall hold in the proportion, following to wit. for
one share, and not more than two shares, one vote each, fot
every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one
vote, for every four shares above ten, and not exceeding
thirty, one vote; for every six shares above thirty, and not
exceeding sixty, one vote, for eveiy eight shares above
sixty, and not exceeding one hundred, one vote, and for
every ten shares above one hundred, one vote; but no per-
son or body politic, shall be entitled to a greater number
than thirty votes, and no share or shares, shall confer a right
of suffrage, which shall not have been holden two calendar
months previous to the clay of election, stockholders actu-
ally resident within the United States, and none other may
vote at elections by proxy
Qualification for
2d None but a stockholder, being a citizen of the Unit-
directors, &c.
ed States, and residing within the State of Maryland, shall
be eligible as a director, and every director shall cease to
be such upon his ceasing to be a stockholder, or to reside
in Kent or Queen Anne's countiess
Directors of ano-
ther bank ineligi
3d No director of any other bank shall be a director of
this bank, nor shall any person be a director in this bank
who is a partner in tinde, with a dnector of any other
bank, And provided always, That no rule or regulation,
shall entitle a director to obtain discounts on terms differ-
ent from those prescribed fol other persons, And provided
Limit to accommo-
also, That no director shall be indulged with discounts be-
yond five hundred dollais per wee k
Notice of election
4th The president and directors for the time being, shall
give six weeks notice in the several newspapers, printed on
the Eastern Shoie of this state, of the time and place of
holding the election of directors annually.
Oath of office.
5th The president and each director before he enters
upon the duties of his office, shall take the following oath
or affirmation as the case maybe ' I A B do solemnly