CHAP. 303
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act concerning the Judg-
Passed Mar.12, 1832
ments and Judicial Proceedings of the courts of justice in
this state, and to provide for the completion of the Records
in certain cases, passed at December session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and nineteen.
WHEREAS, the act to which this is a supplement, has
been construed to require the recording of all the judgments
and writs of execution, under which any one sale of lands
or tenements may take place, thus unnecessarily increasing
expense to the parties interested — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, where any sale
Record of one
judgment & short
copies of others di-
of lands or tenements shall be made, and the amount of
such sale shall not exceed one thousand dollars, under and
and by virtue of two or more writs of execution, it shall
be deemed a compliance with the act, to which this is a
supplement, to make up the record only of the elder of
said judgments, and of the writs of execution thereon, and
sale under said writ, and that of each of the other said
judgments there shall be recorded only a short copy, and
of the wilts of execution thereon respectively , only the
docket entries: Provided always, That it shall be the duty
of the clerk, when required by any purchaser, his heirs,
executors, administrators or assigns, to record any other
judgment or judgments, or writ of execution, and return
under which the said sale may have been made.
An act to provide for the public Printing of the State
Passed Mar.13,1832
WHEREAS, great inconvenience has resulted from the
practice of delaying the contract for the public printing of
each session, till the commencement of such session, for res-
medy thereof,
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
Contact directed
land, That the joint committee on printing contract before
the close of the present session, with such person, or per-
sons as they may deem expedient, for the printing of the
next session of the legislature, on terms and conditions not
exceeding in cost those upon which they have contracted
for the printing of the present session.