Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That if the capital stock of
CHAP. 296.
the said company shall be deemed insufficient for the pur-
poses of this act, it shall, and may be lawful for the presi-
Capital may be en-
dent and directors of said company, or a majority of them,
from time to time, to increase the said capital stock, by the
addition of as many shares, not exceeding four millions of
dollars, as they may deem necessary, for which they may at
their option cause subscriptions to be received in the man-
ner prescribed by them, or may sell the same for the benefit
of the company, for any sum not under their par value.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
Authority' to con-
rectors of said company shall be, and they are hereby in-
struct road.
vested with all the rights and powers necessary for the
construction and repair of a Rail Road, from some point at
the Delaware and Maryland line, to be by them determin-
ed, to Port Deposit, or any other point on the Susquehanna
river, not exceeding one hundred feet wide, with as many
sets of tracks as the said president and directors may deem
necessary, and they may cause to be made, or contract wilh
others for making said rail road or any part of it; and they,
their agents, or those with whom they may contract for
Make contract*.
making any part of the same, or their agents, may enter up-
on and use, and excavate any land which may be wanted for
the site of said road, or the erection of warehouses, or for
other works necessary to said load, or for any other pur-
pose necessary or useful in the construction or repair of
said road or its works, and that they may build bridges, may
Build bridges, Scc«
fix scales and weights, may lay rails may take and use any
earth, timber, gravel, stone or other materials which may
be wanted for the construction, or repair of any part of said
road, or any of its works, and may construct all works
whatsoever, which may be necessary and expedient in or-
der to the proper completion of said road.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That the president and direc-
May agree for land
tors of said company, or a majority of them, or any person
or materials.
or persons authorised by a majority of them, may agree with
the owner or owners of any land, earth, timber, gravel, or
stone, or other materials, or any improvements, other than
warehouses and quarries, which may be deemed wanted for
the construction or repair of any of said roads, or any of
their works, for the purchase, or use, or occupation, of the
same; and if they cannot agree, or if the owner or owners
Cate of disagree-
of any of them be feme covert, underage, non compos mentis,
or out of the county in which the property wanted may He,
when such land and material may be wanted, application
may be made to any justice of the peace of such county,
who shall thereupon issue his warrant, under hand and seal,