of the corporate or other rights or privileges of such cor-
CHAP. 288.
poration or persons, to the said company, hereby incorpo-
rated; and every such other corporation and persons incor-
porated by, or acting under any law of this state, is and
are hereby authorised to make such agreement, contract or
transfer, by and through the agency of the persons author-
ised by their respective acts of incorporation, to exercise
their corporate powers, or by such persons as by any law
of this state are entrusted with the direction and manage-
ment of such turnpike road or bridge, or any of the rights
or privileges aforesaid, and every contract, agreement or
transfer, made in pursuance of the power and authority
hereby granted, when executed by the several parties un-
der their respective corporate seals, or otherwise legally
authenticated, shall vest in the company hereby incorporat-
ed, all such road, part of a road, rights and privileges, and
the rights to use and enjoy the same as fully, to all intents
and purposes as they now are or might be used and exer-
cised by the said corporations or persons to whom the
same are now vested.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That if the Susquehanna
If the Susquehan-
Bridge and Bank company, shall subscribe to the amount of
na bridge com-
pany subscribe
one hundred thousand dollars, in the stock or capital of the
100.000 and lay
rails on the bridge
said rail road company; and if the said Susquehanna Bridge
and Bank company, shall lay down and fix the necessary
rails on the bridge of the said last mentioned company, that
is now built over the river Susquehanna, at Port Deposit,
so as to continue the said rail road across the said bridge;
then and in such case, the said Susquehanna Bridge and
Additional toll
Bank company shall he allowed to ask and demand as toll
from each and every person passing over the said bridge,
on foot or otherwise, the sum of twenty -five cents; Provi-
ded always. That the said toll shall not be asked or demand-
ed from persons living and residing within the adjoining
counties of Harford and Cecil, or either of them.
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That in case the said Susque-
If they refuse-
this rail road not
hanna Bridge and Bank company shall make the subscrip-
to approach within
tion of one hundred thousand dollars, in the manner above
five miles.
said, that the said rail road company shall not be authorised
or permitted to erect or construct any bridge or bridges
over the said river Susquehanna, within the distance of five
miles on either side of the said Port Deposit bridge.
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That the said Rail Road
Restriction on
Company shall not be allowed to use steam engines, or any
passing the bridge
other machine that may be injurious to the said bridge in
crossing the same; nor shall the permission hereby granted
to pass over the said bridge by the said Rail Road Com-