CHAP. 287.
Sec. 24 And be it enacted, That if any person or shall
wilfully, by any means whatsoever, injure, impair or de-
Penalty for dam-
rtroy, any, or part of any Rail-road constructed by said
ing road &c.
company under this act, or any of their accessary works,
buildings, carriages, vehicles or machinery of said compa-
ny, such person or persons so offending, shall each of them
for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the said company
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, which may be re-
covered in the name of the said company by an action of
debt, in the county court of Cecil county, and shall be sub-
ject to indictment in said court, and upon conviction of such
offence, shall be punished by fine, and imprisonment in the
discretion of the court.
Limitation of
time to commence
Sec. 25. And it be enacted, That if this road shall not be
aad complete.
commenced in two years from the passage of this act, and
shall not be finished in six years, from the time of the com-
mencement thereof, then this act shall be null and void.
Passed Mar. 5, 1832
An act to incorporate the Baltimore and Port Deposite Rail
Road Company.
Commissioners to
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
open books.
ryland, That Albert Constable, John W. Thomas, Gran-
ville S. Tpwnsend, Henry S. Stiles, Frederick Daw so n,
William H. Freeman, Peter Neff and Job Smith, be, and
they are hereby appointed commissioners under the direc-
tion of whom, subscriptions may be received to the capital
stock of the Baltimore and Port Deposite Rail Road com-
pany hereby incorporated, and they may cause books to be
opened at such times and places and before such of them
as they may direct for the purpose of receiving subscrip-
tions to the capital stock of said company, after having
given such notice of the times and places of opening the
same as they may deem proper: and that upon the first
opening of said books, they shall be kept open for at least
three days, from ten o'clock A. M. until two o'clock P. M.
and if at the expiration of that period, such a subscription
to the capital stock of said company, as is necessary to its
incorporation, shall not have been obtained, the said com-
Re-open books
missioners may cause the said books to be opened, from
time to time, after the expiration of the said three days,
Receive subscrip-
for the space of twelve months thereafter, or until the sum
necessary to the incorporation of the company, shall be