Sec. 13 And be it enacted, That if the capital stock of
the said company shall be deemed insufficient for the pur-
Authority to in-
crease the capital.
poses of this act; and it shall and may be lawful for the
president and directors of said company, or a majority of
them, from time to time, to increase the said capital stock
by the addition of as many shares as they may deem neces-
sary, not exceeding one thousand shares, for which they
may, at their option, cause subscriptions to be received,
giving notice as aforesaid, or dispose of them, by sale, as
hereinbefore prescribed.
Authority to con-
tract rail ways.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the said president and
directors shall have power to lay off and construct a rail
road, not exceeding sixty-six feet in width, with two or
more sets of tracts, from Port Deposite, in Cecil county, to
the Pennsylvania line, over the ridge dividing the waters of
the Susquehanna and the Delaware rivers, in a direction to-
wards the Great Valley, in Chester county, in the State of
Pennsylvania; and for the purpose of laying off and con-
structing the said road, they shall have all the powers and
privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions and liabili-
ties hereinafter described; and they may take the route which
to them, or a majority them, may seem most suitable and
Authority to re-
pair the same.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That the president and direc-
tors of the said company shall be, and they are hereby in-
vested with all the rights and powers necessary for the re-
pair of the said rail road; and also with power to decide on
Make lateral.
as many lateral ways to and from the main stem of the rail
road hereby intended, at some suitable pointer joints there-
of, to be by them determined, not exceeding sixty-six feet
wide, with as many sets of tracts as the said president and
Contracts autho-
directors may deem necessary; and they may cause to be
made, or contract with others for making said rail road, or
any part of it, or of the said lateral rail roads; and they,
their agents, or those with whom they may contract for
making any part of the same; or their agents, after the pur-
chase and condemnation thereof, in the manner hereinafter
Use of land and
materials granted.
prescribed, may enter upon, and use, and excavate, any land
which may be wanted for the site of said road, or the erec-
tion of warehouses, for other works necessary to the said
road, or for any other purpose necessary or useful for the
construction or repair of said road or its works; and that
they may build bridges, fix scales and weights, lays rails,
and may take and use any earth, timber, gravel, stone, or
other materials, which may be wanted for the construction
or repair of any part of said road, or any of its works,'and
may make and construct all works whatsoever, which may