CHAP. 286.
A further additional supplement to the act concerning Crimes
and Punishments.
Passed Mar.10,1832
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
Authority tome—
ryland, That the directors of the Maryland Penitentiary,
preference not
shall have power to institute and prosecute to judgment and
execution, any suit or suits in the name of the state of Ma-
ryland, for their use, in any court of law or equity, as fully
as if the said directors were a body corporate, and as such
entitled to trade and sue in the name aforesaid, and in every
suit that shall he instituted by them in the name, and for the
use aforesaid; Provided however, That the lien and prefer-
ences incident to claims and suits of the state of Maryland,
shall not be deemed to attach to any suits instituted and
prosecuted as aforesaid, by the directors of the Peniten-
An act to incorporate the Savings Institution of Dorchester
Passed Mar. 9,1832
County, to be located in the town of Cambridge.
Section. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Josiah Bayly, John C. Henry, James B.
Steele, Thomas Hayward, Arthur Bell, William B. Eccles-
ton, Ezekiel kichardson, Thomas White, Henry Burn,
Joseph E. Muse, Jeremiah Colston, Henry Page, William
Rea, Nathaniel G. Eccleston, Joseph Byus, James Pattison,
(T. P.) John Griffith, Joseph K. Travers, Francis P. Phelps,
Minos Adams, William Wheatley, Francis Turpin, Isaac
F. Williams, Noah Richardson, Reuben Tall, Levi D.
Travers, Robert F Tubman, William W. Lake, Henry L.
Macnamara, John N. Steele, Thomas H. Hicks, William
Jackson, Joseph Nichols, John Travers, William A. Lake,
Thomas C. Jones and Martin L. Wright, and all and every
other person or persons hereafter becoming members of the
Savings Institution of Dorchester county, to be located in
the town of Cambridge, in the manner hereafter mentioned,
shall be, and are hereby created and made a corporation
and body politic, by the name and style of the Savings In-
stitution of Dorchester county, and by that name shall have
succession, and be capable by law, to hold and dispose or
property, to sue and be sued,plead and be impleaded, answer