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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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of the county in which he resides, for the apprehension of

CHAP. 840.

such person or persons; and if such person or persons upon
apprehension, being brought before the justice of the peace

Case of conviction

and non-payment

shall stand convict, such person or persons shall incur the


penalty prescribed for such offence, and if in the lapse of


five days thereafter, such penalty be not paid, the boat or

Vessel to he sold.

boats in which such person or persons shall have been found,


shall be sold, after ten days notice, set up at two of the most


public places in the neighborhood where the said boat or


boats shall have been taken, by the officer apprehending the


same, and the proceeds arising from such sale after deduct-

Proceeds applied.

ing the penalty and officers fees, shall be paid to the owner


or owners of the said boat or boats; Provided nevertheless,


if any person or persons belonging to or being on board of


the said boat or boats, shall offer resistance to the said


sheriff or constable in the apprehension of such person or


persons, the proceeds of such sale made as aforesaid, after


deducting the penalty and the officers fees as foresaid, shall


be paid by the said officers to the commissioners of the


school fund, to be applied to the use of the common schools


of the said county where the proceedings shall have been




Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if resistance be made to

Case of resistance

or apprehended by the officer directed as aforesaid to ex-


ecute the law, by any person or persons offending against


the same, it shall then be the duty of said officer to summon


the posse comitatus, armed with fire arms, ball, shot and

Posse commitatus

powder, and charter a vessel at the expence of the county


from which the warrant to such officer shall issue, and pro-


ceed therewith, without delay, to execute his duty under


such warrant, and if resistance be made, beside the penalty


prescribed in the foregoing section, the person or persons

Additional penal-

so resisting, may be sentenced by the said Justice of the


Peace, to confinement in the jail of said county, for a period of


not less than twenty, nor more than sixty days; Provided


nevertheless, the said owner or owners, or any person con-


cerned, may appeal irom the decision of the said justice, by


giving bond, in the penal sum of two hundred dollars, con-


ditioned for the prosecution of the said appeal with effect to


the next court of the county in which he or they shall be en-


titled to a trial by jury; the said appeal as aforesaid, shall


supersede the sentence for confinement; and when the offi-


cer shall find it necessary to summon the posse, upon the ap-


prehension and conviction of the party against whom a war-


rant shall issue, the proceeds arising, shall be applied as


prescribed in the third section of this act, after deducting


the whole expense incurred in the apprehension of the of-


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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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