and skins in the city of Baltimore, which oath or affirma-
CHAP 247.
tion, (as the case may be,) when taken and reduced to wri-
ting shall be lodged in the office of the register of said city
to be by him recorded.
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That each of said arbitrators
Compensation to
shall, for every such arbitration as aforesaid, in which he
shall act upon, be. entitled to receive the sum of one
dollar, to be paid by the person or persons making such ap-
peal, in case the decision appealed from shall be affirmed,
or in case of the reversal of such decision, then by the in-
spector making the same.
An act for the relief of Eliza Kite, of the city of Baltimore.
Passed Mar. 9,1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the said Eliza Kite, be, and she is hereby di-
vorced from bed, board and mutual cohabitation with her
husband, Benjamin Kite.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Benjamin Kite,
Liabilities annul-
shall not be liable for any debt, to be hereafter contracted
by the said Eliza Kite, nor be entitled to any property
which she now has or may hereafter acquire; and the said
Eliza Kite shall, to every effect, intent and purpose, be
capable, in law and equity, to take and to hold and dispose
of any property, and make and be bound by any contracts
or engagements, as if she were a feme sole, and had never
Feme sole.
been married; Provided however, That nothing herein con
tained shall authorise the said Eliza to contract marriage
during the life of the said Benjamin Kite, nor the said Ben-
jamin, during the life of the said Eliza.
An act to make valid a deed from Grafton Duvall and Eli
Passed Mar. 8,1832
zabeth W. Duvall, his wife, to Alexander Thomas Haw
kins Duvall.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly
that Grafton Duvall and Elizabeth W. Duval, his wife, did
on the twelfth day of March, in the year eighteen hundred
and thirty-one, execute, acknowledge, and deliver to Alex
ander Thomas Hawkins Duvall, their deed of bargain and