CHAP. 233
An act to provide f or an alteration in the constitution, to as
Passed Mar. 7 1832
to enlarge the number of Election Districts, in Baltimore
county, and fix the place of voting.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly by
the petition of sundry citizens, residing in parts of the sixth
and ninth election districts in Baltimore county, that they
labour under great inconvenience in consequence of being
so distant from the respective polls as the districts are now
located, many of them being respectable mechanics and
manufacturers — Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
Repealing clause.
ryland, That so much of the constitution of the state, as re-
lates to the division of Baltimore county into election dis-
tricts, be, and the same is hereby altered and amended, so
far as to authorise the erection of an additional district in
said county, to be composed of parts of the sixth and ninth
election districts.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be confirm-
Confirmatory pro-
ed by the General Assembly of Maryland, after the next
election of delegates to the General Assembly, at the first
session after such new election, as the constitution and from
of government of this state directs, in such case this act and
the alterations of the constitution therein contained, shall
constitute and be valid as a part of said constitution and
form of government to all intents and purposes, any thing
therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be con-
Commiuioneri to
firmed according to the provisions of the constitution and
lay off additional
form of government in such case made and provided; Wil-
liam Dorsey, John Muray, junior, of (Coxe's Town) and
Thomas Lane, of Baltimore county, be, and they are here-
by appointed commissioners, and authorised forthwith after
the said confirmation, to review the sixth and ninth election
districts of said county, and to lay off, locate, and establish
an additional election district in said county as aforesaid;
and said commissioners shall make a return of all their pro-
Make return.
ceedings to Baltimore county court, to be there recorded at
the expense of the county, and paid as county charges are
levied and paid; and the governor and council are hereby
authorised and directed to appoint commissioner, or com-
missioners in place of any of the commissioners herein nam-
ed who may die, resign, or refuse, or fail to act in said com-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners herein
Compensation to
authorised to be appointed, shall be entitled to receive such