itants, for the prevention or removal of nuisances, pre§er-
vation of health and suppression of vice and immorality,
within the limits of the said town, and shall have power to
lay an equal tax on the property within the limits of the
said town, to such amount as may from time to time be
deemed necessary to accomplish the purposes aforesaid,
which tax shall be collected and paid to the said burgess
and commissioners by a collector by them appointed, who
shall have the same power to destrain therefor, as the col-
lector of the public county assessment has to destrain for
the same, and that the said burgess and commissioners shall
fix the term of office, responsibility and compensation of
such collector.
CHAP. 140.
Levy tax, 8cc,
An act to incorporate the Washington Academy, in the town
of Williamsport, in Washington county.
Passed Feb.27,1832
Section.1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Vanlear, Meredith Helm, Charles
A. Warfield, of A., John R. Dall, Otho Williams, A. M. C.
Creemer, John T. Miller and William Towson, be, and
they are hereby appointed commissioners, to open books in
the town of Wrilliamsport, in Washington county, for the
purpose of receiving contributions of either money or
other property, for the purpose of purchasing or otherwise
procuring a lot of ground in or near the said town of Wil-
liamsport, and for the purpose of erecting thereon a suita-
ble building, to be known by the name of the Washington
Academy; the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall open books for the purpose aforesaid, on the first
Monday of June next, and said books may be kept open by
said commissioners, until the amount necessary for the pur-
poses herein specified, shall be subscribed.
Commissioners to
receive subscrip-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That after the amount neces-
sary for the purposes herein specified, shall be subscribed,
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall give at
least two weeks notice thereof, in the newspapers printed
Meeting of contri-
in Williamsport, and at the same time, shall call a meeting
of the contributors, at some convenient place, who shall
elect by ballot, eight trustees, for the purpose of taking
charge of the funds subscribed, and to receive additional
appropriations, and for the purpose of erecting an academy
as intended by this act; and the said trustees shall have the