CHAP 133.
aljy resident within the United States, and none other, may
vote by proxy at elections.
Qualification of
2nd. None but a stockholder, being a citizen of the Uni-
ted States, and residing within the State of Maryland, except
the directors appointed on the part of the State, shall be eli-
gible as a director; and every director shall cease to be such
upon his ceasing to be a stockholder, or to reside in Wash-
ington county.
Limitation on di-
3rd. No director of any other bank shall be a director of
this bank, nor shall any person be a director in this bank
who is a partner in trade with a director of any other bank;
And provided always, That no rule or regulation shall entitle
a director to obtain discounts on terms different from those
prescribed for other persons; And provided also, That no
director shall be indulged with discounts beyond five hun-
dred dollars per week.
Notice of elections
4th. The president and directors, for the time being, shall
give six weeks notice, in the Hagers-Town and Williams-
port newspapers, and in one newspaper printed in the city
of Baltimore, of the time and place of holding the election
of directors, annually.
Oath of office.
5th, The president and each director, before he enters
upon the duties of his office, shall take the following oath or
affirmation, as the case may be: "I, A. B. do solemly swear
or affirm, that I will impartially, faithfully, diligently, and
honestly execute the duties of president or directors, (as the
case may be), of the Washington County Bank, conformably
to the constitution of the same, and the trusts reposed in
me, to the best of my skill and judgment;" and the other of-
ficers and servants of this bank shall also take a similar oath
or affirmation, and slnll besides give bonds, with security
to the satisfaction of the president and directors, for the
faithful discharge of their duties.
Seats vacated for
6th. If the president or any director, the cashier, or any
other officer of the said bank, shall be concerned, directly
or indirectly, in purchasing any note or notes, bill or bills,
at more than lawful discount or interest, and information
thereof be given, and supported, to the satisfaction of a ma-
jority of the board, or quorum of directors, his or their seat
or stats of office, shall be vacated, and the directors shall
fill up such vacancy or vacancies.
General restric-
7rh. The corporation shall in no rase deal, trade or be
concerned in any thing but notes, bilk of exchange, mort-
gages, stock of the United States, or bullion, except in the
case of debts due to them, when they shall be fully em-
powered to take any kind of security which they can ob-
tain; nor shall the corporation, in any case, directly or in-