CHAP 29.
said commissioners shall be required in passing accounts,
directing the payment of money, or in making appoint-
ments to office.
Sec 10. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
shall take such appeals as the commissioners of the tax are
now required to take, for which purpose they shall meet on
the first Monday in April, at the county town, and sit
from day to day for one week, first giving notice, in writ-
ing, stuck up at the most public places, at least ten days
before such meeting, in each election district in the coun-
Sec. 11. And be ift enacted, That the said commission-
ers shall he entitled to receive two dollars per day each,
for each and every day they shall necessarily attend to the
duties of their office.
Suits now pen-
ding to have
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That all suits at law or in
equity which may be pending at the time of the passage of
this act, bv or against the justices of the levy court of said
county, shall be carried on in like manner, and have the
same legal effect, either in favour of, or against the com-
missioners, provided fur by this act, as if such suit or suits
had been instituted by or against the said commissioners.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That so much of any actor
acts of assembly as are contrary to, or inconsistent with the
provisions of this act, bo and the same are hereby repeal-
Passed Jan. 31
An Act supplementary to the act, entitled, An act to ap-
point Commissioners to establish the Boundary Line
between Ilarford and Cecil Counties.
Recording of
deeds, &.c.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall he the duty of the clerk of liar-
ford county court to record among the land records of said
county, all deeds and other instruments of writing, intend-
ed to convey any interest or estate in real property here-
tofore supposed by the grantors to lie in Cecil county, hut
now ascertained, under the act to which this is a supple-
ment, to be situate in the county of Ilarford, and that it
shall in like manner be the duty of the clerk of Cecil
county court to record among the land records of said
county, all deeds, or other instruments of writing, intend-