Page. Chap.
Levy court of Montgomery
county authorised to levy for his
use 12 15
Incorporated 201 189
Collector of, made ex officio
collector of primary school tax
in and for the district in which
it is or may be situated 101 95
The commissioners of, autho-
rised to levy a sum of money
not exceeding $450, to build a
bridge over the Patuxent river at
the place called The Fork of Pa-
tuxent 53 51
The clerk of, directed to record
a bill of sale from Lydia Gam-
brill to Lancelot Gambrill, and
when recorded to be good and
valid in law 87 87
A further supplement to the l
act to provide for the public in-
struction of youth in primary
schools in, &c* 101 95
Commissioners of, to levy an-
nually the sum of four thousand
dollars on the assessable property
of s;iid county, other than the city
of Annapolis, for the support of
primary schools 102 97
Commissioners of, to levy a
sum of monev for building a
bridge over the Patapsco Falls at
or near the Thistle Factory 1 14 106
Commissioners of, to levy for
the benefit of Caleb Steuart and
Richard Mace, the sum of fifty
dollars' each 122 115
For the relief of John Childs
of, 185 172