vide, that in consideration of the said act of the legislature
of Pennsylvania as aforesaid, the bed of the river Susque-
hanna, from the Maryland line to the bay of Chesapeake,
is hereby declared, and shall for ever hereafter be a public
highway, and that individuals or bodies corporate may at
all times remove obstructions to its navigation; from which
several enactments of the two states it is manifest that by
a solemn compact the river Susquehanna is a free and pub-
lic highway, and that neither of the contracting states,
without the consent of the other, has a right in any manner
or by any means to impede the natural navigation thereof:
And whereas confiding in such compact, and the faithful
performance of its conditions, this state has at various times,
and on different occasions, as has also divers corporations
of the state, by authority thereof, appropriated and applied
large sums of money to clear out the bed of said river, and
to preserve the navigation thereof free and unobstructed
to the use of the citizens of the several states forming the
said compact: And whereas the erection of the said dams,
by the authority and direction of the state of Pennsylva-
nia, is a manifest infraction of the said compact and agree-
ment, and greatly injurious to the interest of this state,
and to the citizens thereof; wherefore,
Resolved, That the governor of this state, he, and he is
hereby requested, to communicate a copy of this preamble,
and the accompanying resolutions, to the governor of Penn-
sylvania, with a request that they may he laid before the
legislature of the state, in order that measures may be tak-
en by the state of Pennsylvania, to remove the just cause
of complaint of the state of Maryland, in relation to the
artificial obstructions in the river Susquehanna.
Resolved, That the governor be, and he is hereby re-
quested, to communicate copies of this preamble, and the
accompanying resolutions, to the governors of the states of
New York and Delaware, with a request that they will
communicate them to the legislatures of their respective
states, and ask their co-operation in obtaining the removal
of all artificial obstructions to the navigation of said river.
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and they
are hereby authorised and requested, to appoint three com-
missioners to repair to Harrisburg, to remonstrate against
the conduct of the state of Pennsylvania, in erecting arti-
ficial obstructions to the navigation of the river Susque-
hanna, and endeavour to procure the removal of all such ob-
structions, and to report, if practicable, their proceedings
during the present session, or if otherwise, to the next ge-
neral assembly of this state.