Passed Feb 21
No. 64.
A Resolution relative to hoisting the Flag on the dome of
the State-house.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
the governor and council be requested, to cause the flag to
be hoisted on the dome of the state-house, and a national sa-
lute to be fired at sun-rise, noon and at sun-set, on Tuesday
next the twenty-second day of February, in commemora-
tion of the birth of the illustrious Washington.
No. 65.
Passed Feb 10
Preamble and Resolutions relating to certain Obstruc-
tions in the River Susquehanna.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assem-
blv, by the memorial of divers citizens of this state, inte-
rested in the navigation of the river Susquehanna, that the
state of Pennsylvania has caused to he erected in and across
the bed of said river, certain dams, which greatly increase
the peril and impede the navigation thereof, and in conse-
quence of said dams the descending trade of said river has
been greatly diminished, and must eventually be lost to the
citizens of this state: And whereas in support of the re-
presentations so made, it appears by a printed copy of the
annual report of the canal commissioners of the state of
Pennsylvania, made to the legislature of the said state, and
other evidence, that, three dams have been erected across
the said river, the one at. a place called Duncan's Island,
another at a place called The Shamokin, and the third at
or near a place calle.i Nanticoke, which dams are not less
than eight feet above the natural bed of the river, and con-
structed of timber and masses of solid masonry, and effec-
tually prevent the descent of boats and arks down said ri-
ver, except by the passing through the chute or sluice made
in one side of each of said dams, which chute or sluice is
at all times dangerous, and has a'ready occasioned great
losses to those who have attempted the passage of them;
and by said dams the ascending navigation is wholly de-
stroyed: And whereas the river Susquehanna, from the