CHAP. 25.
Passed Jan 29
An Additional Supplement to the act incorporating a
Company for the improvement of the Public Road
from the City of Frederick to Harper's Ferry, pass-
ed at December Session eighteen hundred and twenty-
eight, chapter one hundred and forty-two.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so much of the fifth section of the act
to which this is an additional supplement, which requires
the company to open and lay out said road at least fifty
feet wide, he and the same is hereby repealed.
Width of road
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said company shall
open and lay out said road at least thirty feet wide, and
may in their discretion extend said road to fifty feet in
Passed Jan. 28
An Act to abolish the Office of Commissioners of the
Tax for Charles County.
Levy court to
appoint clerk
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Charles county shall,
at their first meeting after the passage of this act, and an-
nually thereafter at their first meeting in each and every
year, appoint some fit and proper person as their clerk,
other than the clerk of the county, or register of wills,
•who shall perform all the duties now performed and dis-
charged by the clerks of the levy court and commission-
ers of the tax respectively, who before he acts as such,
shall take an oath, to be administered by any member of
said court, faithfully and honestly to discharge the duties
of said office; which said clerk, after giving ten days ante-
cedent notice thereof at the court-house door, and other
public places, shall attend in the county town for at least
twenty days before the first Monday in May of the pre-
sent year, and twenty days before the first Monday in
April annually thereafter, for the purpose of making
changes and taking transfers of property, and shall report
the same to the levy court at their first meeting thereafter