CHAP 187.
to the judges of said county court, commanding them to
proceed in such action, and to a new trial thereof, in the
same manner as if no trial had taken place, or any appeal
had been prosecuted, or writ of error brought; and the
opinion of the court of appeals shall he conclusive in law
as to the question by them decided; and the said county
court shall thereupon proceed in such action by amendment
of pleadings, or otherwise, in manner and form as is now
practised in cases where writs of procedendo issue under
the existing laws; Provided, that nothing herein contained
shall be construed t.o authorise the return of any transcript
in any cause where the judgment of the court of appeals
would be a bar to a new action brought upon the same
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases of appeals, or
writs of error, prosecuted or brought before the court of
appeals upon a bill or bills or exception taking; to the opi-
nion of any county court upon any question of location of
land, where the judgment shall be affirmed or reserved, and
it shall become neccssary, for the purposes of justice to re-
mand the cause to the county court which gave the judg-
ment with a writ of pr«cedendo, it shall ho and hereby is
made the duty of the court of appeals to instruct the said
county court as to the manner in which the said location
shall be made.
Passed Feb 24
An Act relating to the Court of Chancery.
Levy authoris-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, no tax shall be
demanded or paid on account of having affixed to any pa-
per, issuing out of the court of chancery of this state, the
great seal thereof, any law to the contrary notwithstand-