by law required to be, shall be as valid, binding and effec-
tual, as if made and acknowledged by all of the said minor
children after attaining to the full age of twenty-one years;
Provided, that nothing in this act contained shall take ef-
fect so as to enable the said guardians to sell, lease or con-
vey, all or any part of the aforesaid real estate of the said
minor children, unless the orphans court of Baltimore coun-
ty shall first authorise and then confirm every such sale,
and approve every such lease or conveyance, before the
same shall be recorded; and in case of the death of either
or both of the persons who shall be first appointed guardi-
ans as aforesaid, the said orphans court shall appoint a suc-
cessor or successors, who shall have authority and power to
complete or do any act or acts which his or their predeces-
sor or predecessors may have lawfully commenced or might
do in virtue of this act, after such successor cr successors
shall have first given bond in like manner, under like pe-
nalty, and with security to be approved by the orphans
court aforesaid.
CHAP 183.
An Act vesting certain Powers in the Orphans Court
of Montgomery County.
Passed Feb 24,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That ii shall and may he lawful i(;r the orphans court of
Montgomery county to grant administration, to such per-
son as it may appoint, of the goods, chattels and effects, of
Harry Brooks, a free man of colour, late of said county,
deceased; and after it shall have been ascertained that the
funeral expenses and debts of said Harry Brooks have
been paid, the said court shall direct, and order the residue
of his estate to he applied, first to the purchase of his wife,
who shall be manumitted by the owner thereof, or the said
administrator, or such other administrator as the said or-
phans court may appoint; and if the wife of the said Harry
Brooks be not living when the residue of his estate, after
the payments aforesaid, shall have been ascertained, then
the administrator shall purchase and manumit, or cause
to be manumitted, such child or children of said de-
ceased, as he may be able to purchase for that purpose; and
if said administrator shall fail to execute the provisions of
this act, it shall be the duty of said orphans court afore-
Letters of ad-
may be grant-
ed on estate of
Hurry Brooks.