CHAP. 181.
George Hay Ringgold by the orphans court of Washington
county, to be paid over to such guardian for his benefit;
one other fourth part of the said residue to be so invested
for the benefit and advantage of Virginia Ringgold, herein
before mentioned, her heirs, executors and administrators,
and paid over to her when she attains the age of eighteen
years, or in the event of a guardian being appointed to her
by the orphans court aforesaid, to be paid over to such
guardian for her benefit; one other fourth part of the said
residue to be so invested for the benefit and advantage of
Rebecca Broadnax Ringgold, her executors and admi-
nistrators, and paid over to her when she attains to the age
of eighteen years, or in the event of a guardian being ap-
pointed to her by the orphans court aforesaid, to be paid
over to such guardian for her benefit; one other fourth part
of the said residue to be so invested for the benefit and ad-
vantage of La Fayette Monroe Ringgold, his heirs, execu-
tors and administrators, and paid over to him when he at-
tains the age of twenty-one years, or in the event of a guar-
dian being appointed ro him by the orphans court aforesaid,
to be paid over to such guardian for his relief; Provided
always, that the portions of the proceeds of such sale allot-
ed to the several minors aforesaid, shall descend, in the
event of the death of either of them, in the same manner
as real estate would descend.
to give bond,
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the commissioners, before they proceed to sell under this
law, to give bond to the state, in the penalty of thirty thou-
sand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of
their duty, with security to be approved by the judges of
Washington county court, or some one of them, which bond
shall he recorded in the office of the clerk of Washington
county court, and a certified copy thereof, under the seal of
the court, shall be competent evidence in any court of law
or equity in this state.
Passed Feb 24.
An Act for the payment of the Journal of Accounts.
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of this
session, that there is due from this state thirty thousand
and ninety-four dollars and ninety-nine cents; Therefore,
Payment di-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is here-