dition to the sum he now receives. In Charles county,
for Henry Proctor, thirty dollars, (payable to Theodore
Mudd, or order,) payable to themselves, or their orders
respectively, or to such person or persons as the said levy
courts or county commissioners may direct.
CHAP. 164.
An Act for the relief of Peter Johnson, of the City of
Passed Feb 22.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of insolvent debtors for the city
and county of Baltimore, be and they are hereby authons-
ed and empowered, to grant to Peter Johnson, of the city
of Baltimore, the benefit of the several acts of assembly
passed for the relief of insolvent debtors; Provided, the
said Peter Johnson, shall in all respects, (except that of
proving residence,) comply with the requisitions of said
acts of assembly, and that he satisfy the said commission-
ers that he did not come into this state with the view of
obtaining the benefit of the said insolvent laws.
Benefit of acts
extended to
An Additional Supplement to an act, entitled, An act
for Quieting Possessions, Enrolling Conveyances,
and securing the Estates of Purchasers.
Passecl Feb 23
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
any deed for the conveyance of any interest or estate in
lands, tenements or hereditaments, lying in this state, being
executed and acknowledged within the United States, or
any territory thereof, before any judge of a court of law
and of record, of the state or territory in which such per-
son or persons may be at the time, or before any judge of
any of the United States courts, shall be good and effectu-
Deeds for con-
veying inte-
rest in lands
before any
judge, &c to
be effectual
al for the purpose or purposes therein mentioned; Provid-
ed, that the acknowledgment shall be certified or endors-