Sec. 5. A/id be it enacted. That when the legislature
shall provide for the exercise of the option and right re-
served to the state, as mentioned in the second section of
this act, they may also provide for the appointment of
such directors, auditors, for the purpose of liquidating the
accounts, and ascertaining the actual cost of the said rail
road, and other officers or officer, to have charge and su-
perintendance of the interest of the state, in any separate-
stock, which the state shall so elect to take, in such man-
ner as so the legislature shall seem proper, the control of
the state over the rail road hereby authorised to be con-,
structed, to be always commensurate with the amount of
CHAP 159.
Right reserved
to state
the state's interest therein; Provided, That nothing herein,
contained shall be so construed to preclude the legislature
of this state from the imposition of such taxes as may be
reasonable and just, in accordance with the burthens im-
posed on other real or personal property.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of
the president, or chief officer of the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Company, to report upon oath, or affirmation,
to the General Assembly, on the first clay of each session,
the amount of money expended in forming the road here-
by authorised, and the amount of tolls and other charges
received therefrom.
Repeal to be
made of a-
mounts of cost,
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That if the said rail road
shall not be commenced within one year from the passage
of this act, and finished within this state in three years
thereafter, then this act shall be null and void.
If not com-
menced with-
in one year act
to be void.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the des-
patch of Business in Baltimore County Court.
Passed Feb 22.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the thirteenth day of April
next, there shall be in each and every year four city terms
of Baltimore county court, instead of eight, as required by
the third section of the act to which this is a supplement.
Four terms to
be held
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the terms of said court,
ns provided by this act, shall be held as follows, that is to
say. the first day of May shall be the commencement of the
first term; the first day of September shall commence the
When to be