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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3783   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 313. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments,


the twenty-third section of the forty-first article of the


Code of Public General Laws," title " Fish and Fish-


eries, sub-title " Patuxent."....................................


No. 314. An act to appropriate a sum of money for the use


and benefit of the House of Reformation and Instruc-


tion for Colored Children, situated in Prince George's


county, for the erection of an additional family build-


ing and other necessary shops and out-houses...........


No. 315. An act to repeal sections one and seven of article


thirty-six of the Code of Public General Laws, title


" Estrays and Vessels adrift, " and to re-enact the same


with amendments.................................................


No. 316. An act to continue in force the act to incorporate


the Maryland Sunday, School Union.........................


No. 317 An act supplementary to an act, passed on the


second day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-


four, entitled " an act to provide for the defence of


Officers of Registration and Judges of Election, " who


are or may be indicted in the United States' Court,


for acts done in performance of duties imposed by the


Constitution and laws of this State, which acts are


alleged to be in violation of the act of Congress, ap-


proved May the thirty-first, eighteen hundred and


seventy, entitled " an act to enforce the rights of


citizens of the United States, to vote in the several


States of this Union, and for other purposes. "..........


No. 318. An act to repeal section sixteen, of the act passed


at the December session, eighteen hundred and forty-


five, chapter thirty-seven, entitled " an act to incorpo-


rate the Mutual Insurance Company of Washington


county," and amend and re-enact the said sixteenth


section, and to repeal the tenth section of the act passed


at the January session, eighteen hundred and seventy,


chapter four hundred and thirty-nine, entitled " and act


to amend an act passed at December session, eighteen


hundred and forty-five, chapter thirty-seven, entitled


an act to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Company


of Washington county, and the several acts supple-


mentary thereto and amendatory thereof," and amend
and re-enact the said tenth section..........................


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3783   View pdf image (33K)
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