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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3759   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 118. An act to incorporate the Union Banking Com-


pany of Baltimore...............................................


No. 119. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
claims of John T. E. Hyde, William Murdoch,' John


Himelheber, J. W. Kalmey, Samuel Stewart and Tay-


lor and Bernard..................................................


No. 120. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay


David Grogg, late collector of State Taxes in the eighth


district of Carroll county, the amount overpaid by him


into the Treasury ................................................


No. 121. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the


claims of W. L. Pfieffer, James E. Tate, John Himel-


haver, George W. Murdoch, J. E Hayden, and Ben-


jamin F. Cronin....................................................


No. 122. An act for the relief of the Central Presbyterian


Church of the City of Baltimore, to authorize the re-


cording of certain amendments to the original plan,


agreement and regulation for the incorporation of


said church, adopted by the congregation thereof, on
the fifth day of May, Anno Domini eighteen hundred


and fifty-six, and on the thirteenth day of March,


Anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and


giving said amendments and all acts done in pursu-


ance thereof, the same force and validity as if the said


amendments had been duly recorded, within six


months after the adoption of the same......................


No. 123. An act to repeal section one, of an act passed Jan-


uary session, eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter


twelve, entitled an act for the better protection of


game in Montgomery county, and to amend and re-


enact the same as amended..................................


No. 124. An act to add a new section to article one of the


Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Allegany ." sub-


title " Surveyor. "...............................................


No. 125. An act for the better regulation of public roads


in Wicomico county...........................................


No. 126. An act to authorize the Town Commissioners of


Berlin, in Worcester county, to erect a guard-house


in said town...................................................


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3759   View pdf image (33K)
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