Certificate in
the particulars of the property, and the valuation
made by them in the manner and form as herein-
before directed, with an alphabetical list of all per-
sons therein concerned, and a complete detail of
their proceedings in execution of this act, and all
lists, statements and accounts received by them
from individuals, of the particulars of the property
held, owned or claimed by him, her or them, or
under his, her or their charge ; and if any of said
assessors cannot discover the owner of any property
within their assessment districts, they shall value and
describe the same as the property of some person
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That for the greater
facility of reference thereto, a special return shall be
made out for each election district, according to the
A special re-
numbers and boundaries of the election districts at
the time the assessment may be made, with the name
of the taxables therein arranged and properly valued
in the manner and form as hereinbefore mentioned;
and whenever an assessment district shall contain
within it an incorporated town or city, the assessors
shall distinguish in their returns the assessable prop-
erty of such town or city, from the like property in
the residue of said district.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That from and after
Duty of the
the second Monday in December next, until the day
hereinafter appointed for hearing appeals from said
returns, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the county
commissioners in each county, or the Appeal Tax
Court of Baltimore city, to attend daily at the usual
places of meeting of such bodies, and during the
usual hours for transacting business, for the purpose
of showing the aforesaid valuation to every person
holding or owning property in said county or city,
and of furnishing to such person or persons such ex-
tracts from such valuation as he may reasonably
SEC. 29. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
list of owners
of the county commissioners of the several counties
to be made.
of this State, and of the Appeal Tax Court of Balti-
more city, to cause to be made, on or before the first
day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-five,
and on or before said day annually, an alphabetical