and no more, certified to by said county commis-
sioners or Appeal Tax Court.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That if any person who
ought to be assessed by virtue of this act shall, by
With intent to
removing his or her effects from the county or city
when they ought to have been valued, with in tent to
escape assessment, or shall by any fraud or device
escape assessment, and the same be proved before
any justice of the peace of the county or city where
such person resides, at any time within one year after
the said property ought to have been valued, every
such person shall be charged in the county or city
where he or she is found, with the sum which he or
she ought to have been rated by this act, and the
same shall be collected by the collector of the county
or city where he or she shall be found ; and such
person being convicted in the circuit court of the
county in which he or she may reside, or in the
Criminal Court of Baltimore, as the case may be,
shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of valuing the stock of banking and other private
corporations, held by non-resident stockholders, it is
hereby declared and understood that the stock, bonds,
certificates or other evidence of debt bearing interest
of banking, insurance or other corporations usually
termed monied institutions, are situated at the place
at which the principal office for transacting the
business of such corporation is situated; that the
stock of a turnpike, railroad, canal or other improved
corporation is situated, at the place where its princi-
pal office for the transaction of business shall be estab-
lished ; if the said office be within the limits of this
State, shall be so assessed, and if not, then the assess-
able property of such corporation shall be valued
and assessed in the county or counties in which it
is situated, and in the City of Baltimore, so far as it
is situated in said city, and that the stock of mining,
manufacturing and other like corporations, situated
at the place where the works of such corporations or
the greater part of its operations shall be conducted,
shall be assessed in like manner.
Stocks, bonds,
&c., held by
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That for the effectual
collection of the taxes assessed on the stock, bonds,